Who Can Join In

Who can join in?

The term “Men’s Shed” can sound as though there's some sexist intention behind its aims - and to some extent, there is.  The Men's Shed initiative began with the intention of helping men to deal with health issues that they may have or that they may want to avoid having.  That includes their mental health as well as their physical health.  We believe that it's important that the focus of Beer Men's Shed is about helping men.

Men can join in Beer Men's Shed in several different ways: as a member, as a supporter, as a donor - whichever way that they prefer.

And its not just men who can be supporters or donors.  Sometimes the supporter is a partner who wants to get the man out of the house and doing something useful.  A donor might want to donate money to help get Beer Men's Shed running, or donate wood or other material that members can use for projects or repair work.  You might want to donate tools or equipment that are good quality but that you're not using yourself as much as they deserve.

Participation isn't limited to men from Beer: we welcome men who live in any of the surrounding towns and villages to get involved in some way in Beer Men's Shed, and our members come from 10 miles around..

Membership of Beer Men's Shed costs £10 per annum. The fee for joining in a workshop session is £3.

Our regular workshop sessions in our new large workshop located in the churchyard of St Michael's Church, Beer are on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 2pm to 5pm.

If you'd like to find out more about how you could join in, please just click on the button below to send us an email.

Contact Us

If you'd like to give a donation to Beer Men's Shed, our bank details are Sort Code 30-96-26  Account Number 49573260.

supported by


DEFRA, East Devon AONB